Who am I?

Hey, I’m Jay. My day job is at LinkedIn on our Product Partnerships team. I also like podcasting about AAPI identity and writing about relationships, mindfulness, and tech. You can follow me on LinkedIn or Twitter.

On top of this, it has been hard not to be curious about web3. Through conversations with friends, inhaling hours of content, discovering the value of web3 applications as a user, I’ve become fascinated. 

As we will discuss, even though it’s hard at times to pinpoint why, web3 feels like the future. There are currently ~300M crypto users today. This is equivalent to where internet usage was in the late ’90s. We are still early and can collectively make decisions today that can benefit us in the decades to come. I am by no means an expert. Just like you, I am on a journey to further my learning.

My goal is to bring diverse minds and ideas together to accelerate our education to build a better future. Never in my, albeit short life, have I seen this many bright and talented people get so excited about a set of ideas. Alongside the excitement, there are a lot of issues and open questions in this space today that I believe we can try to solve for:

  1. Why is onboarding so difficult?

  2. How can I tell what is a scam and what is a valuable project? 

  3. Is web3 bad for the environment?

  4. How are the use cases better than existing platforms? 

  5. Do I need to grasp all the foundational technical aspects to participate?

  6. What are the tradeoffs with decentralization?

  7. How do I get involved? 

Despite these questions, we are still curious to learn more. I love that. A lot of these ideas go against how we view business and society today. Suspending belief, figuring out how it could work, and then systematically trying to poke holes in it is what I believe to be the most constructive path. 

That way, you can understand the interesting aspects of the ecosystem, actively use the applications, and then come to criticize with a more grounded perspective. I am hoping this community can help you get there. 

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BD @ LinkedIn Podcasting @ Across The Lines Writing @ jaysingh.substack.com